*This content is obsolete and will be deactivated or archived as of April 1, 2024.*

Welcome to a Collection of Tutorials for the Python Package tobac


This is a set of tutorial notebooks which provide example usage of the python package tobac - Tracking and Object-Based Analysis of Clouds.

The python package tobac is an open software for atmoshperic scientist aiming to support Lagrangian analysis of cloud fields. The methods can be applied either to observational fields or to simulated cloud variables.


The tobac package is structured in two layers: In the first layer, core functionality is provided. The second layer is called “themes” and provides a dedicated set of functions to track or analyse clouds. We keep separate developments in separate “theme” like plugins in your browser. Parts of the different themes might be exchangeable.


Examples or tutorial are collected to show how tobac and tobac “themes” are working. Function have been written to ease input of certain obervational or model-simulated fields available at TROPOS. These function included data from

  • tobac_v1

  • your theme

  • We search for volunteers that included their cloud tracking or analysis approach into tobac as a new theme and provide nice tutorials on the cool new functions here.