tobac example: Tracking deep convection based on VIS from geostationary satellite retrievals

This example notebook demonstrates the use of tobac to track isolated deep convective clouds based on radiances within the VIS using channel 2 (red light - 600 nm) of the GOES-16 imaging instrument in 5-min resolution. The study area is loacted within the CONUS extent of the GOES-E for investigating the formation of deep convection over the Carribean, following the EUREC4A initiative (

The data used in this example is saved on the cloud of the Amazon Web Services, providing an efficient way of processing satellite data without facing the need of downloading the data.

In this example, the Cloud and Moisture Imagery data (ABI-L2-CMIPC) data set is used for the cloud tracking. The product contains one or more Earth-view images with pixel values identifying brightness values that are scaled to support visual analysis. A resolution of 500 m in the VIS channels of the imager ensures a majority of features to be detectable. Also, the data includes quality information as well as information on the solar zenith angle.

Further information on the AWS and provided data sets can be found here.

Accessing GOES data

Configurations for conducting the example:

# Import libraries:
import requests
import netCDF4
import boto3
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.config import Config

import xarray
import rioxarray
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from six.moves import urllib
from glob import glob

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Import tobac itself:
import tobac
# Disable a few warnings:
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, append=True)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, append=True)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning, append=True)

Build access to Amazon Web Server where GOES-16 data are stored:

# For accessing data from AWS bucket first define specifics:
bucket_name = 'noaa-goes16'
product_name = 'ABI-L2-CMIPC'
year = 2020
day_of_year = 45
hour = 18
band = 2
# Initialize an s3 client:
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', config=Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED))
# Function for generating file name keys for the S3 bucket:
def get_s3_keys(bucket, s3_client, prefix = ''):
    Generate the keys in an S3 bucket.

    :param bucket: Name of the S3 bucket.
    :param prefix: Only fetch keys that start with this prefix (optional).

    kwargs = {'Bucket': bucket}

    if isinstance(prefix, str):
        kwargs['Prefix'] = prefix

    while True:
        resp = s3_client.list_objects_v2(**kwargs)
        for obj in resp['Contents']:
            key = obj['Key']
            if key.startswith(prefix):
                yield key

            kwargs['ContinuationToken'] = resp['NextContinuationToken']
        except KeyError:
# Retrieve the keys for of the file names:
keys = get_s3_keys(bucket_name,
                   prefix = f'{product_name}/{year}/{day_of_year:03.0f}/{hour:02.0f}/OR_{product_name}-M6C{band:02.0f}'

keys = [key for key in keys][0:6]

Request data from AWS S3 server using the keys and store all files to one data set:

for k in range(len(keys)):
    resp = requests.get(f'https://{bucket_name}{keys[k]}')
    file_name = keys[k].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    nc4_ds = netCDF4.Dataset(file_name, memory = resp.content)
    store = xarray.backends.NetCDF4DataStore(nc4_ds)
    if k == 0:
        DS = xarray.open_dataset(store)
        DS2 = xarray.open_dataset(store)
        DS = xarray.combine_nested([DS, DS2], concat_dim=["t"], combine_attrs = "override")

Processing GOES data

Reprojecting image coordinates:

# Extract properties to define a projection string:
geos_p = DS['goes_imager_projection']
proj_name = DS.goes_imager_projection.grid_mapping_name[0]
h = DS.goes_imager_projection.perspective_point_height
a = DS.goes_imager_projection.semi_major_axis
b = DS.goes_imager_projection.semi_minor_axis
rf = DS.goes_imager_projection.inverse_flattening
lat_0 = DS.goes_imager_projection.latitude_of_projection_origin
lon_0 = DS.goes_imager_projection.longitude_of_projection_origin
sweep = DS.goes_imager_projection.sweep_angle_axis
pstr = '+proj=geos +h=%f +a=%f +b=%f +rf=%f +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f' \
    % (h, a, b, rf, lat_0, lon_0)
DS =, inplace=True)
# Multiply the original coordinates by the satellite height:
DS["x"] = DS["x"]*h
DS["y"] = DS["y"]*h
# Reduce dataset to only variables needed for further analysis:
DS = DS[["CMI"]]
# Reproject to WGS84 (EPSG: 4326) using rasterio:
DS_R ="epsg:4326")

Plot CONUS extent:

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
ax_0 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

cmap = Basemap(projection='cyl',llcrnrlon=-153,llcrnrlat=14,urcrnrlon=-53,urcrnrlat=57, resolution='i', ax=ax_0)
con = cmap.pcolormesh(DS_R.x,DS_R.y,DS_R.CMI[0], cmap='cividis', vmin=0,vmax=1)
cmap.drawcountries(color='white', linewidth=.5, ax=ax_0)
cmap.drawcoastlines(linewidth=.5, color='white', ax=ax_0)

cmap.drawparallels(np.arange(10,60,10),labels=[1,0,0,0], linewidth=.5, color="grey")
cmap.drawmeridians(np.arange(-160,-50,10),labels=[0,0,0,1], linewidth=.5, color="grey")

cmap.colorbar(con, shrink=0.6, label='Reflectance', ax=ax_0)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fa55d020670>

Crop the image to a smaller extent, here focussing on the isle of Jamaica:

# Define boundaries of mask used for cropping:
min_lon = -80.0
min_lat = 15.0
max_lon = -75.0
max_lat = 20.0

mask_lon = (DS_R.x >= min_lon) & (DS_R.x <= max_lon)
mask_lat = (DS_R.y >= min_lat) & (DS_R.y <= max_lat)
cropped_ds = DS_R.where(mask_lon & mask_lat, drop=True)

Plot cropped image showing Jamaica:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
ax_1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

bmap = Basemap(projection='cyl',llcrnrlon=-79,llcrnrlat=17.5,urcrnrlon=-76,urcrnrlat=19, resolution='i', ax=ax_1)
dat = bmap.pcolormesh(cropped_ds.x,cropped_ds.y,cropped_ds.CMI[0], cmap='cividis', vmin=0,vmax=1)
bmap.drawcountries(color='white', linewidth=1, ax=ax_1)
bmap.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1, color='white', ax=ax_1)

bmap.drawparallels(np.arange(10,20,1),labels=[1,0,0,0], linewidth=1, color="grey")
bmap.drawmeridians(np.arange(-80,-70,1),labels=[0,0,0,1], linewidth=1, color="grey")

bmap.colorbar(dat, ax=ax_1, shrink=0.6, label='Reflectance')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fa55cd97910>

Tobac Cloud Tracking

# Set up directory to save output and plots:
if not os.path.exists(savedir):
if not os.path.exists(plot_dir):
# Change standard_name to be a regular argument of cf-conventions:
cropped_ds.CMI.attrs["standard_name"] = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"
# Assign former coordinates as variables to avoid dupplicate naming:
new_data = cropped_ds.reset_coords(names = ["y_image", "x_image"])

Feature identification: Identify features based on VIS field and a set of threshold values.

# Determine temporal and spatial sampling of the input data:
# Keyword arguments for the feature detection step:
# Feature detection and save results to file:
print('starting feature detection')
print('feature detection performed and saved')
starting feature detection
      frame   idx      hdim_1      hdim_2  num  threshold_value  feature  \
0         0     6    3.967704  199.359137   13              0.2        1
1         0     9    1.384956  308.325801   11              0.2        2
2         0    11    0.973372  340.422488   25              0.2        3
3         0    14    1.055909  479.695983   18              0.2        4
4         0    27    5.538348    3.698972   32              0.2        5
...     ...   ...         ...         ...  ...              ...      ...
1487      5  1966  335.889404  285.967179    9              0.6     1488
1488      5  1967  422.424521   34.334552   24              0.6     1489
1489      5  1975  472.002232   31.821198   16              0.6     1490
1490      5  1986  522.294278  142.710449   15              0.6     1491
1491      5  2002  538.749685  148.998903   18              0.6     1492

                     time              timestr   latitude  longitude  \
0     2020-02-14 18:02:17  2020-02-14 18:02:17  19.958121 -78.153419
1     2020-02-14 18:02:17  2020-02-14 18:02:17  19.981960 -77.147658
2     2020-02-14 18:02:17  2020-02-14 18:02:17  19.985759 -76.851406
3     2020-02-14 18:02:17  2020-02-14 18:02:17  19.984997 -75.565914
4     2020-02-14 18:02:17  2020-02-14 18:02:17  19.943624 -79.959360
...                   ...                  ...        ...        ...
1487  2020-02-14 18:27:17  2020-02-14 18:27:17  16.894488 -77.354028
1488  2020-02-14 18:27:17  2020-02-14 18:27:17  16.095770 -79.676594
1489  2020-02-14 18:27:17  2020-02-14 18:27:17  15.638168 -79.699792
1490  2020-02-14 18:27:17  2020-02-14 18:27:17  15.173973 -78.676286
1491  2020-02-14 18:27:17  2020-02-14 18:27:17  15.022090 -78.618244

0                 -78.153419
1                 -77.147658
2                 -76.851406
3                 -75.565914
4                 -79.959360
...                      ...
1487              -77.354028
1488              -79.676594
1489              -79.699792
1490              -78.676286
1491              -78.618244

[1492 rows x 12 columns]
['x', 'y', 't', 'goes_imager_projection']
feature detection performed and saved
Segmentation is performed based on the OLR field and a threshold value to determine the cloud areas.
# Keyword arguments for the segmentation step:
# Perform segmentation and save results to files:
print('segmentation VIS performed, start saving results to files')
print('segmentation VIS performed and saved')
<xarray.DataArray 'CMI' (t: 6, y: 542, x: 542)>
array([[[0.17650777, 0.15174589, 0.09904753, ..., 0.07682532,
         0.0873015 , 0.08920626],
        [0.3238092 , 0.05301582, 0.11460306, ..., 0.0809523 ,
         0.08603166, 0.0873015 ],
        [0.1206348 , 0.047619  , 0.05142852, ..., 0.09587292,
         0.0904761 , 0.08222214],
        [0.0396825 , 0.03746028, 0.0380952 , ..., 0.04507932,
         0.04253964, 0.04222218],
        [0.03714282, 0.03682536, 0.03841266, ..., 0.04412694,
         0.04539678, 0.04571424],
        [0.03904758, 0.03873012, 0.03936504, ..., 0.04063488,
         0.0412698 , 0.04031742]],

       [[0.11492053, 0.16380937, 0.06952374, ..., 0.07396818,
         0.08825389, 0.09301578],
        [0.14698398, 0.10730148, 0.06285708, ..., 0.07587294,
         0.0825396 , 0.08444437],
        [0.07015866, 0.0714285 , 0.05047614, ..., 0.09079356,
         0.08380944, 0.08285706],
        [0.03746028, 0.0380952 , 0.03746028, ..., 0.0587301 ,
         0.03873012, 0.04507932],
        [0.03619044, 0.03841266, 0.03873012, ..., 0.04158726,
         0.04095234, 0.04063488],
        [0.03682536, 0.0365079 , 0.03714282, ..., 0.1158729 ,
         0.03777774, 0.0428571 ]],

       [[0.04507932, 0.04349202, 0.05650788, ..., 0.07015866,
         0.07999992, 0.0825396 ],
        [0.04158726, 0.04380948, 0.04507932, ..., 0.07396818,
         0.07873008, 0.08190469],
        [0.0412698 , 0.0428571 , 0.0412698 , ..., 0.08634912,
         0.08317453, 0.07587294],
        [0.04222218, 0.03841266, 0.03746028, ..., 0.0984126 ,
         0.0730158 , 0.0412698 ],
        [0.0380952 , 0.04634916, 0.0682539 , ..., 0.03873012,
         0.03999996, 0.0380952 ],
        [0.0365079 , 0.03714282, 0.03873012, ..., 0.03873012,
         0.04031742, 0.03714282]]], dtype=float32)
  * x                       (x) float64 -79.99 -79.98 -79.98 ... -75.01 -75.0
  * y                       (y) float64 19.99 19.99 19.98 ... 15.02 15.01 15.0
  * t                       (t) datetime64[ns] 2020-02-14T18:02:17.194589056 ...
    goes_imager_projection  int64 0
    long_name:              ABI L2+ Cloud and Moisture Imagery reflectance fa...
    standard_name:          toa_bidirectional_reflectance
    sensor_band_bit_depth:  12
    valid_range:            [   0 4095]
    units:                  1
    resolution:             y: 0.000014 rad x: 0.000014 rad
    grid_mapping:           goes_imager_projection
    cell_methods:           t: point area: point
    ancillary_variables:    DQF
segmentation VIS performed, start saving results to files
segmentation VIS performed and saved

Trajectory linking: The detected features are linked into cloud trajectories using the trackpy library ( This takes the feature positions determined in the feature detection step into account but does not include information on the shape of the identified objects.

# Keyword arguments for linking step:
parameters_linking['method_linking']= 'predict'
# Perform linking and save results to file:
Frame 5: 257 trajectories present.

Visualisation of the tracks:

axis_extent=[-79,-76,17.5,19] #xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
import as ccrs

fig_map,ax_map=plt.subplots(figsize=(14,8),subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})
# Create animation of tracked clouds and outlines with VIS as a background field:
# Display animation:
from IPython.display import HTML, Image, display
# Lifetimes of tracked clouds:
ax_lifetime.set_xlabel('lifetime (min)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'counts')